Thank you for attending the 2024 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We would like to know more about your experience at the meeting. May you please take a moment to answer a quick survey? Your feedback is important to us and will help STLE make improvements to the 2025 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia.

1. How did you learn about the STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition?
(Check all that apply)

 Email Marketing
 Digital Advertising - Online Ads
 Direct Mail - Postcard
 STLE Website
 TLT Magazine
 Other Industry Publications
 Other Professional Societies
 Colleague / Co-Worker
 Employer / Management
 Web Search
2. Overall, my expectations for the 2024 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition were:

 Not achieved
3. How would you rate the following aspects of the event?
  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Overall Event
Opening General Session
New Member & Student Reception
Sustainability Forum
Networking Reception on Monday
President’s Luncheon
Women in Tribology Panel
Worldwide Surface Topography Challenge
Technical Sessions
Education Courses
Research Posters
Networking Opportunities
Trade Show Exhibition
Commercial Marketing Forum
Location (Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis Minnesota)
4. Are there other topics you would like to see as panel discussions?

5. Please rank from 1 to 5 these components based on which are most important to you.

  5 (Most Important) 4 3 2 1 (Least Important)
Cost of Travel & Accommodations
Date/Days of the Week
Location and Attractions
Business Networking
Opportunity to Publish
Registration Fee
Technical Sessions
6. Please rate the following session topics for quality.
  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
AI and Machine Learning
Commercial Marketing Forum
Condition Monitoring
Contact Mechanics
Electric Vehicles, Engine and Drivetrain
Environmentally Friendly Fluids
Fluid Film Bearings
Lubrication Fundamentals
Materials Tribology
Metalworking Fluids
Nonferrous Metals
Rolling Element Bearings
Surface Engineering
Sustainability Power Generation
Synthetic Lubricants and Hydraulics
Tribology of Biomaterials
7. Please list and describe topics that you would like to see covered at the 2025 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition.

8. Over the course of the entire STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, how much time did you spend in the exhibition hall viewing exhibits and/or talking with exhibitors? (Please skip this queston if you were an exhibitor.)

9. If you used the STLE Mobile App for the conference, could you provide any suggestions for how to improve the app?

10. Which hotel did you stay at?

 Hilton Minneapolis (Headquarters hotel)
 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
 Millennium Hotel Minneapolis
11. Regarding your accommodations, can you please rate your hotel experience?

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Hotel Accommodations
12. Do you plan to attend the 2025 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), May 18-22, 2025?

 Haven't decided yet
13. If you answered NO to the above question, please explain your reason for not attending next year's Annual Meeting. (If you answered YES, please skip this question.)

14. Check your primary job function.

 R&D or Product Design
 Corporate Management
 Principal Investigators (PIs)
 Independent Researcher or Consultant
 Technical Service Personnel
 Sales & Marketing Representative
 Lubricant End-User
 Raw Materials Supplier
 Engineer or Chemist
15. What is your country of origin?
16. Based on your experience at the 2024 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, please share any comments that will assist STLE in planning future events.
17. I am submitting the following testimonial statement for use in encouraging colleagues to participate in future STLE events.

Name and Email Address

Please enter me in the survey raffle for (Name of the Raffle Prize)

Name and Email Address