Thank you for attending STLE's co-branded event, 2023 Tribology Frontiers Conference (TFC) and Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference in Cleveland, Ohio (USA). We would like to know more about your experience at the event. Please take a moment to answer a quick survey? Your feedback is important to us and will help STLE make improvements to future conferences.

Which STLE conference did you attend?
 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference
 STLE Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference
 Both conferences
How did you learn about the STLE co-branded event? (Check all that apply)
 Email Marketing
 Direct Mail - Postcard
 STLE Website
 TLT Magazine
 Other Industry Publications
 Other Professional Societies
 Colleague / Co-Worker
 Employer / Management
 Web Search
Overall, my expectations for the event were:
 Not achieved
What emerging topics would you recommend to include as a track at future TFC and/or E-Mobility Conferences?
How would you rate the following aspects of the event?
  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Overall Event
Sunday Evening Meet and Greet Reception
Monday Evening Networking Reception
Monday Morning Plenary Session - Juliette Cayer-Barrioz
Monday Afternoon Plenary Session - Neil Canter
Tuesday Joint Plenary Session - Troy Muransky
Tuesday Afternoon Plenary Session - Michael Kotzalas
Beyond the Cutting Edge Plenary Symposium (Wednesday Morning)
Spotlight Presentations
Technical Sessions
Panel Sessions
Research Posters
Networking Opportunities
Commercial Exhibits
Location (Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower, Cleveland, OH)
Please rank from 1 to 5 these components based on which are most important to you.
  Least Important (1) 2 3 4 Most Important (5)
Cost of travel & accommodations
Date/days of the week
Location and attractions
Business Networking
Opportunity to publish
Registration fee
Technical sessions
Are there any presenters that you would like to hear more from at other STLE programs?
Please rate the following session topics for quality
  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Biotribology [TFC]
Energy/Environment/Manufacturing [TFC]
Fluid Lubrication [TFC]
Lubricants [TFC]
Machine Elements & Systems [TFC]
Materials Tribology [TFC]
Surfaces & Interfaces [TFC]
Tribochemistry [TFC]
Commercial Electric Vehicles [E-Mobility Conference]
Fluids [E-Mobility Conference]
Esters [Panel Session - E-Mobility Conference]
Foaming [E-Mobility Conference]
Grease [E-Mobility Conference]
Material Compatibility [Panel Session - E-Mobility Conference]
Modelling [E-Mobility Conference]
Testing [E-Mobility Conference]
Check your primary job function
 R&D or Product Design
 Corporate Management
 Principal Investigators (PIs)
 Independent Researcher or Consultant
 Technical Services Personnel
 Sales & Marketing Representative
 End-users of Lubricants
 Raw Material Supplier
 Engineer or Chemist
What is your country of origin
Based on your experience at the 2023 Tribology Frontiers Conference and Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference, please share any other comments that will assist STLE in planning future events.
I am submitting the following testimonial statement for use in encouraging my colleagues to participate in future STLE conferences.